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°í¸°µµÀü¼­ 7:3-5

[Senior Chosun Column][6]

When aged, no one could be any better off than the granny with grandpa still around.....



SangDal Doo
Executive at Cultural Institute for Home


Metaphors and humors that are circulated in a certain times reflect values and culture of then society.


There are three impossible tasks to achieve.
The fist is to treat with affection the husband who came home from retirement and eats three times a day.
The second is to make a son who married a woman your son again.
The third is to dress white the late Andre Kim who used to wear gorgeous and outlandish outfits.


All are tasks very hard to achieve.


Women were asked what a husband to them is.
A husband is,
a worrisome person left at home,
a burdensome when go out with him,
a headache when left at home alone,
an enemy when sitting side by side.

In Japan, aged husbands are known to wives as wet autumn leaves. They stick to wives so tightly that they get separated  only when fingernails applied to scratch them off. They are also so big a bundle of waste that no garbage can contain.


These are the stories spat out by wives in their contempt of their husbands who used to raise their voices louder over them as they recall their husbands who now became fatigued.
They could be the voices of triumphs by those wives who got hurt by machoism..

Machos had lived all their lives for their homes
only getting up early at dawn glancing the moon, to return home late at night beholding stars.

When they returned home being forced to retire, they become such lots at home to eat cold dishes.
They say, retirement is a disaster to men but a liberation and freedom for women.

Husbands who had either cold or rocky relationship with their wives have to live cautiously minding of the moods of their wives whose punches could be devastating.


It's a sad situation and sorry state for husbands who have to go on living depressed and put down. It's not at all stories of couples of healthy relationship.

It could be the situation of limited few.
Majority might enjoy their retired lives travelling or pursuing life of leisure. Some even enjoying fulfilling lives, doing worthwhile works of values.

However,  couples with issues and conflicts may stay in the same space but live on separately as if they are people of no relationship.
There's no emotional communion.
They just stay together in a space called home.
There's no eye to eye contact, neither meeting of minds, nor hearts.
Neither skin to skin relationship.
They live on as if they are married singles.

According to statistics, those with better marriage relationship have scored higher overall satisfaction in life.


Happiness during later winter years depends on marriage relationship.

In the later years of life, presence of spouses is far more important than the cares by children.
Even chances of sickness or dementia tend to be lessened by the presence of spouses. Presence of spouses provides with emotional stability aiding physical health as well.
The more betrayed by their own children, the more couples realize, grabbing each others' hands, reaffirming "None but you..." after all.

Couples are not at all on a romantic train all their lives.

While in love, they sometimes fight and entangle with each other.
Entangled, then un entangled, crossing over the love/hate lines back and forth is the life of couples.

Conflicts are generally with every ones.

Though argued severely, conflicts are resolved easily between couples [who maintain sexual intimacies], as if conflicts  never occurred.  Thus there is a saying that fights between spouses are like cutting water with knives.

Neighbor woman should have become an enemy should I ever fought her twice as I did with my wife. I have never fought with a neighbor woman.  And so I never developed any emotional relationship at all with any neighbor woman.

Couple is such relationship that gets deepened as they  quarrel. They say those couples who used to quarrel tend to forget those conflicts and hatred they used to harbor as soon as they reached 88 years of age, passing after 77 years of age. They become grateful for having endured them until they get wiser.
They become sorry for having wronged and caused them to suffer. They start to pity each other as they behold sunken eyes and wrinkled faces in their spouses.

Now they treat each other with gratitude and compassion.
Yes, it is the aged couples that began to depend upon each other with compassion.


You, who still cling to your little issues which are not at all serious, persevere to hang on till you become 88 years old.

Then all conflicts and issues are to disappear.

You will realize that after all there's no one better than  your spouse when you forget about all the hurts and conflicts.


And you grannies who are living the twilight years of your life! Whosoever has ears to hear, hear!


When aged, no one could be any better off than the granny with grandpa still around.....

Note: Words in [  ] is what YouShine added for better understanding. Without what's suggested in the bracket, marriage conflicts will never be resolved while conflicts and quarrels harden already wedged relationship.
And so the Bible teaches couples not to neglect coming together in
1 Corinthians 7:3-5

¹ø¿ª: À¯»þÀÎ YouShine@youshine.com


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1237 ½Å»çÀÓ´çÀÇ ÃÊÃæµµ(õ®õùÓñ) (1) hweenam 02-10 5012
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   421  422  423  424  425  426  427  428  429  430    



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